Our Partners and Supporters
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
Te Waiau Mahika Kai Trust was formed in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. The partnership with Te Rūnanga is critical to ensure the mahi undertaken by the Trust aligns with tribal strategies and plans regarding mahika kai enhancement and cultural awareness. The Trust aims to work with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and keep Ngāi Tahu Whānui informed of its activities. The Trust will seek support for its activities from Te Rūnanga where appropriate.
Meridian Energy Limited
ECNZ (the predecessor to Meridian Energy Limited) was the original Settlor of the Trust, with funds provided to fund activities to offset the negative effects of the Manapōuri Power Station on the Waiau awa. The Trust has a strong relationship with Meridian Energy, with two of it’s Trustees nominated by Meridian.
Meridian continues to support the Trust financially and with in-kind services to develop capacity and implement projects on the ground to give effect to the objectives of the Trust Deed.
Ōraka Aparima Rūnaka
Ōraka-Aparima Rūnaka are strategic partners with Te Waiau Mahika Kai Trust, as the Waiau awa is in their rohe. Ōraka-Aparima Rūnaka are the leasee of the lodge and facilities at Te Kōawa Tūroa o Takitimu and are the former leasee of the whole site. The Trust aims to partner with Ōraka-Aparima in the continued use and development of Te Kōawa Tūroa o Takitimu and other projects in the Waiau catchment.
Hokonui, Waihōpai, Ōraka-Aparima and Awarua Rūnaka
The Trust has developed partnerships with the Murihiku Rūnaka to encourage the use of Te Kōawa, to draw on collective knowledge of the site, mahinga kai and māturanga Māori, and to develop opportunities to learn about and access mahika kai within the Waiau Catchment.
Te Tapu o Tāne
Te Tapu o Tāne is a Registered Charitable Trust which is owned jointly by ki Papatipu Rūnanga o Murihiku - Waihōpai, Awarua, Hokonui & Ōraka-Aparima. Te Tapu o Tāne Ltd undertakes catchment rehabilitation services from a Te Ao Māori perspective. Their goal is to build climate resilient communities throughout Murihiku and create a better understanding around mahika kai and eco-systems to support mahika kai.
Te Ao Marama Incorporated (TAMI)
The Trust would like to recognise the support provided by Te Ao Marama Inc (TAMI) - through funding received, and general support for the Trust.
Environment Southland
We are grateful for support from the Biodiversity and Biosecurity teams and Environment Southland, and for funding received from the Environment Southland Environmental Enhancement Fund.