Our History

Te Waiau Mahika Kai Trust (the Trust) is a registered Charitable Trust which has been operating since 1997. The Trust was established as an agreed mitigation outcome between Ngāi Tahu and the Electricity Corporation of New Zealand Limited (succeeded by Meridian Energy Limited) arising from the 1996 consenting of the Manapouri Power Scheme. 

The work of the Trust is mandated under its Trust Deed.

The Deed objectives have a focus on Mahika kai and include:

  • Acquisition, restoration and creation of habitats;

  • Promoting, restoring and enhancing the social, cultural and economic relationship with the Mahika kai resources of the Waiau Catchment; 

  • Undertaking research including into the migration of tuna and other fish species; and

  • Identifying and evaluating areas within the catchment which could be protected, procured, enhanced or restored to benefit mahika kai.


After some early progress, the Trust after became relatively inactive from around 2009 because of significant resource constraints.

Between 2017 and 2020 the membership of the Trust was refreshed, and the Trust carried out a strategic review of its performance including its future direction, resulting in a new Strategic Vision with an appropriate development goal with seven supporting objectives. The Te Waiau Mahika Kai Trust Strategic Vision 2020-2030 can be accessed by the link below.

Through its actions the Trust seeks to be the recipient of future mitigation funding that may arise as part of reconsenting the Manapōuri Power Scheme in 2031 by Meridian Energy.