Te Taiao Wānanga, 10-11 May 2024

Join us on 10-11th May 2024 for a volunteer Wānanga at Te Kōawa Tūroa o Takitimu.

Te Kōawa Tūroa o Takitimu is a 445ha tribal property which is set aside as a mahinga kai cultural park for Ngāi Tahu Whānui. It is located 20 minutes south of Manapouri in Murihiku/Southland.

We are doing a “ki uta ki tai” restoration project at Te Kōawa to restore and enhance the mahinga kai and biodiversity values in the valley. Restoration efforts include intensive pest and weed control, native planting and monitoring as well as creating tracks for the restoration project and for access for mahinga kai.

On 10th – 11th May 2024 we are holding a Te Taiao Wānanga where whānau can lend a hand in restoring the whenua, foster whakawhānaungatanga (connections), meet like-minded individuals, and explore this cultural park under the majestic Takitimu Maunga.

Over the two days there will be various volunteer opportunities, including wilding conifer control, native tree planting and mulching, deployment of lizard refuges, pest control, and track maintenance. You are welcome to stay one or both days, and there is the opportunity to stay the Saturday night as well.

Accommodation and kai will be provided at Te Kōawa Lodge. We warmly welcome whānau to join us at this culturally significant site for Ngāi Tahu.

To register please email Vanessa at info@tewaiaumahikakaitrust.co.nz or call 021 0255 6918.


Matariki Weaving Wānanga 2024


Raranga Weaving sessions in Te Anau