Matariki Raranga Wānaka

Te Waiau Mahika Kai Trust, in partnership with Te Anau Waitangi Day Charitable Trust, are holding a Matariki Raranga Wānaka at Te Kōawa Tūroa o Takitimu on the 18th to 19th June 2022.

Join Kaiako Tāua Rangimaria Suddaby and Kairaranga Matua Des Cooper at Te Kōawa Tūroa o Takitimu Lodge in the Jericho Valley for a wānaka (workshop) to learn the traditional Māori practice of raranga / harakeke weaving.

The wānaka includes:

  • A two-day weaving workshop suitable for beginners

  • An overnight stay at Te Kōawa Lodge

  • Kai and refreshments for the weekend

  • An educational Matariki celebration evening

  • Participation in the Te Kōawa Mahinga Kai Restoration Project with a tree planting session

Koha of $30pp. Limited spaces so booking is essential.


Saturday 18 June - attendees welcome to arrive from 9.30am for a 10am start

10:00am Mihi Whakatau (welcome)

10:30am-4:30pm Raranga Wānaka, including:

  • Tīkanga of raranga

  • How to identify, harvest and prepare harakeke for weaving, in accordance with traditional Māori practices

  • How to care for a Pā Harakeke

  • Weaving a rourou (food basket), and whetū (stars) to celebrate Matariki

  • Basic Te Reo around weaving, a karakia and a waiata

  • No prior weaving experience necessary.

Saturday evening

We will celebrate Matariki with a kōrero about Matariki and it’s importance, some purākau (stories) about the Takitimu Mauka, and enjoy a hangi and bonfire (weather permitting).

Sunday 19 June

9:00am - 3:00pm

  • More raranga/weaving using skills from the first day.

  • Talk on mahinga kai and rongoā

  • Te Waiau Mahika Kai Trust will give a presentation about the Te Kōawa Mahinga Kai Restoration Project, including a tree planting session.

Note: the accommodation is in bunk rooms, and participants need to bring their own bedding/sleeping bag and their own pillow. For more details on the Lodge please see Te Waiau Mahika Kai Trust website.

Thanks to our sponsors and partners


Trust honours founding members with commemorative tree planting at Te Kōawa


Controlling feral pigs at Te Kōawa